Apply – Industrial

  • Do you have experience in any of the below:
  • Please State your last three roles and contact details for reference checks.
  • Question 1. The average of first 50 natural numbers is …………. .
  • Question 2. A fraction which bears the same ratio to 1/27 as 3/11 bear to 5/9 is equal to ……….. .
  • Question 3. The number of 3-digit numbers divisible by 6, is ………….. .
  • Question 4. What is 1004 divided by 2?
  • Question 5. A clock strikes once at 1 o’clock, twice at 2 o’clock, thrice at 3 o’clock and so on. How many times will it strike in 24 hours?
  • Question 6. 125 gallons of a mixture contains 20% water. What amount of additional water should be added such that water content be raised to 25%?
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